So what did I do for the last three days?
On Tuesday, went to Manly Beach with the Camparadise 2009 people. The people you guys mostly know that went are Louis, Kit, Lil Jess and of course, me.
It was a good day for a beach outing I guess, everyone had fun so it was good.
Kit and I decided to sleep-over at Louis' house. His brother bought Pizza and we ate it while watching The Transporter 3. That movie's awesome! Storyline was eh but the action was insane!
So we stayed up doing random things like playing guitar, Rock Band, mucking around and watching some other movies. Slept at 4:00a.m, I woke up at 10:00a.m and those idiots were still asleep. So I played Rock Band by myself 'till 1:00p.m.
Ate rice with meat, I ate almost two Lind chocolate bars (that's nice) and had spaghetti that night. Went home at 11:00p.m after watching House. House is actually pretty interesting!
Showered, e-mailed, slept. Woke up dead the next day as well.
E-mailed again.
No reply.
So today, I woke up and checked my e-mail. No reply. What's so special about this e-mail you ask?
Well, if you don't know yet, I'm currently in a... what was it again? Oh yeah, Long distance relationship with a girl. Yes, a girl. *shockhorror*
Met her thanks to Kim. She and a friend came to Australia on December 27th 'till January 7th and stayed at Kim's house.
Stuff happened, and right before she left to go back to her country, I told her I like her. She said she does too.
Then off she went.
So since then, we've been e-mailing constantly... until I left for the beach and slept-over.
Then silence.
She called me just then.
I really miss her. I won't be able to see her again until December - I'll be in Japan.
Ahh, such a nice day.