On another note, I wish school would hurry up and finish already. It's so boring, I want to meet more people.
And crap, I said "I shall" instead of "We will" for the SRC pledge today. It was pretty funny, but I was supposed to be well mannered today. Damn, one induction ceremony out of three ruined.
Oh, I hate you School CRAPtain, but at the same time, you're an awesome mate! Why do I hate you? Because you use me as a SCAPEGOAT to escape any dastardly plans you came up with to terrorise the teachers and students! For example - One day, you decided to use the microwave at school when we're not meant to. So I waited for you outside. Some girls saw hot food, so they thought the microwave was useable as well. So they used it the next day. They got in trouble, and blamed ME! When it was you that used the microwave! Damn you!
But why are you awesome?
You're awesome because it's pretty funny getting in trouble for random stuff like that, I hope our paths will cross again after school - but I will never stop calling you School Craptain. ^_^
Oh yeah, the School Craptain also used me yesterday. When we were going around the school collecting money for the Victorian Bushfire in Victoria, this was what happened:
Patrick: "Hey Peter, when I count to three, let's jump into Revell's room and shout out RAWR!"
Me: "Sure!"
Both: "One, Two, THREE!"
I jumped in and shouted RAWR. He stayed back and laughed.
DAMN YOU!!! One of these days, I'll get you back!
But damn it was funny xD Thanks for brightening up my days dude!
Seems like everyone's drifting apart from me though. Ehh, doesn't matter, I still got a few close friends to keep me company.
Fruck I want to go to Japan. I miss her.

KIM and I!!


schoolCRAPTAIN and I!
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