Well, it's Thursday. Been working a lot, been hitting the gym a lot, been spending a lot... Crap =="
These are what I bought over the past week -

The Sennheiser HD555 costed me $179 (WHAT A BARGAIN! It's retailed at $230!)
That's gonna be my daily commuting headphones, music sounds so good with them! (I'm an audiophile =P)
And the Sennheiser Sport series PMX70 (Yes, I love Sennheiser headphones) cost me $70, and the Ipod Shuffle 3rd Gen was $127. These two I bought purely for gyming and running purposes (Can you tell I love my work outs?) Now when I jog, my pants don't fall down!

Ahh, my Zune - I love it! Way more then Ipod! It's light and reliable too! But since I've lost the drawstring on my sport pants... My pants still falls down when I run with my Zune. Ehh, at least I've got the Shuffle to run with now!
So the Shuffle and the Sport earphones are only going to be used for gym and runs, whilst my AWESOME Headphone and my Zune is gonna be used for outings, commuting to work etc.
Well, that's all! Now I need a 5.1 Surround sound speakers for my computer so I can rock out to my music... MORE MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN! But I swear, that's gonna be my last spendings!
Well, that's all for now. Hope you like to see my spendings!