Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ahh,, First blog in a month! (Well, a month and nine days to be exact)

Hey there guys! Well, to the people who is still bothered to check my blog every day (which I highly doubt) for updates on my crummy life.

By the time you've read this, it would've been what, ten days or more since I've posted this?

Oh well.

Well, first thing's first! Why did it take me so long to update?
Well, a number of things happened.
I moved houses. That kind of always takes up most of your time.
It's been... three or four weeks since I've moved? But my internet was not connected until two weeks after I moved as my elder brother was a douche. Why? Well, here goes:

Brother: I called the phone company and told them we moved! They said they'll connect us in three to four days!
Me: Cool!

Three or four days later.

Me: Err, why is the phone not working?
Brother: They told me it's gonna connect in three weeks.
Me: ...What!?

So i connected the phone line to another socket in the house. It worked.
Friggin idiot, why the heck did he say the company said it's gonna connect in three week! They didn't even tell him that!

OK, time for the internet story:

Brother: O.K, since the phone's working, time to transfer the internet! They said it will connect in three days!

One week later and the internet wasn't connected yet.

Me: Err... What the heck's wrong?

So I called them up. And guess what? They said they've told my older brother that he needed to send a confirmation e-mail to them before they could move the internet! Arghh! Stupid idiot, I have to do everything myself!

So here I am now, blogging. I think that should be it for today, I'll tell you the awesome times I've had during the blank periods of not blogging here tomorrow or something.

'Till then, adios!


As if we'll laugh at it together ...=="